WaveCraft sounds
WaveCraft is well-known for making some of the most amazing possible analogue sounds of any digital system. Its high quality resonant filters place it well ahead of most of its competitors, and the sounds and music on this page demonstrate these and other features!
This was the original demo track written to put WaveCraft through its paces, and which secured the original commercial deal, pounding with crystal clarity through a top quality studio monitor system. Amazingly, it was created entirely on a 486 PC with a Creative Labs AWE32 sound card, and uses only WaveCraft sounds. Listen out especially for the warm string pads, sequenced filtered bassline and vintage drum-machine style percussion.
- WaveBeat 2.5MB 128kbps stereo mp3 file
Dance sequence
Showing off WaveCraft's simulated analogue sequencing and resonant filters to the full, you too can edit and tweak this evolving and dance-friendly riff, by opening the accompanying WVC file. Too fast maybe, or the filters not squelchy enough? With WaveCraft it's easy to change any detail of the sound in a way that is simply not possible with static sample CDs.
- Dance sequence 113KB 64kbps mono mp3 file
- DANCESEQ.WVC - WVC file to load into WaveCraft
Atmospheric texture
Rare even on real analogue synthesisers, WaveCraft's resonant high-pass filtering can add a very different flavour to sounds, reminiscent of some of Jean-Michel Jarre's earlier work. This incredible sound uses a warped external bass-drum sample to add to the underlying rhythm, so make sure you adjust the module with the microphone icon accordingly when you try out the accompanying downloadable WVC file.
- Atmospheric texture 193KB 64kbps mono mp3 file
- TEXTURE.WVC - WVC file to load into WaveCraft
All pages on this website copyright ©1996-2025 David Gosnell. This page was last modified on Thursday, 26 October 2006. For permission to reproduce any original content, please contact webmaster@goznet.co.uk