WaveCraft features 17 high quality module types, which are detailed below together with their various parameters, settings controllable by other modules shown like this. Note that the uses suggested are only suggestions, even if they are the conventional ones. WaveCraft lets you connect more or less anything to anything; you could well invent new synthesis techniques using only WaveCraft and a bit of imagination or luck...
The oscillator forms the basis of most musical tones, and will be present in most WaveCraft patches.
- Type (sawtooth/sine/triangle/variable pulse)
- Frequency (from about 8Hz to 8kHz)
- 2 x Frequency modulation (for vibrato input etc)
- Pulse width (for variable pulse waveform)
- Bipolar (sets output range)
- Sync input (for slaving from another oscillator's sync output)
Low-frequency oscillator
The low-frequency oscillator, or LFO, provides a continuously varying control for things like vibrato effects.
- Type (sawtooth/sine/triangle/variable pulse)
- Frequency (up to about 100Hz)
- Depth (sets the output level)
- Pulse width (for variable pulse waveform)
- Bipolar (sets output range)
- Sync input (for slaving from another module's sync output)
Noise generator
For percussion effects, you need white noise!
- Bipolar (sets output range)
- Noise sequence (defines whether the noise generated is predictable)
Clock generator
Use the clock in conjunction with the sequencer to create rhythmic patterns of notes.
- Frequency (sets the tick rate, up to about 100Hz or 1500bpm)
WAV sample input
The WAV sample input module allows you to use existing samples as input waveforms, rather than just the basic oscillators.
- Filename (selects the WAV file to use)
- Trigger input (restarts the sample when a pulse is received)
- Looped (allows a sample to loop)
- Trigger wait (delays playback until first trigger pulse received)
Low-pass filter
The low-pass filter cuts out high frequencies in an audio signal.
- Audio input
- Cut-off frequency (from about 8Hz to 8kHz)
- 2 x Cut-off modulation (for varying the cut-off)
- Resonance (sets the resonant quality, essential for acid sounds)
High-pass filter
The high-pass filter cuts out low frequencies in an audio signal.
- Audio input
- Cut-off frequency (from about 8Hz to 8kHz)
- 2 x Cut-off modulation (for varying the cut-off)
- Resonance (sets the resonant quality, rare on a high-pass filter)
Envelope generator
The envelope generator supports up to eight gradual transitions, each taking up to 12 seconds in time.
- Number of steps (up to 8)
- Level and duration (for up to 8 stages)
- Sync input (for retriggering the envelope)
Glide generator
To get a real 'analogue' feel to sequences, put a glide generator between the sequencer and the oscillator, and rather than jumping from one pitch to the next, the oscillator will gently slide.
- Control voltage input
- Glide time (from 0 to about 12 seconds)
- Starting level (to ensure no nasties at the beginning of sequences)
Sample and hold
Sample and hold is often used with a noise generator to produce a sequence of random control voltages, giving a 'bubbling' effect when used with an oscillator.
- Main input
- Sync input (to clock the sampling)
Use the sequencer to store up to 16 values, which will be stepped through one at a time, whenever a sync pulse is received on "Sync input", normally from a clock generator module.
- Number of steps (up to 16)
- 16 x Level sliders (covering WaveCraft's full control voltage range)
- Sync input (for clocking the sequence)
- Looped (allows the sequence to play once or loop continually)
Control voltage source
If you've got several oscillators all to be driven at the same master frequency, consider connecting a single control voltage source to all of them; if you want to change that frequency, you only need adjust the control voltage source rather than modifying each oscillator. If any one oscillator needs to be, say, an octave lower, use the frequency modulation input on that oscillator to offset its frequency.
- Output level (sets the control voltage source level)
Amplitude modulator
Use the amplitude modulator as a kind of volume control. The output can be controlled to be anything up to the level of the input.
- Main input
- Depth (sets the amount of the input that gets through)
Voltage-controlled amplifier
The voltage-controlled amplifier can boost its input signal by a controllable amount.
- Main input
- Amp factor (can attenuate, boost or invert the input signal)
Use the mixer to combine up to four signals.
- 4 x Input (the four input channels to mix)
- Attenuation (prevents clipping if signals are too strong)
The inverter takes a signal, and turns it upside-down, according to one of two methods.
- Input
- Type (sets the way the signal is inverted, unipolar or bipolar)
File dump
You must always include a file dump, otherwise WaveCraft cannot store any sample on disk!
- Audio input
- Type (Windows 44.1kHz 16-bit WAV or RAW format)
- Filename (specify the name of the sample file)
All pages on this website copyright ©1996-2025 David Gosnell. This page was last modified on Thursday, 26 October 2006. For permission to reproduce any original content, please contact webmaster@goznet.co.uk