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WaveCraft licence agreement

By downloading this version of WaveCraft you are indicating your acceptance of the following no-nonsense conditions:

  • WaveCraft remains copyrighted software and the intellectual property of David Gosnell. Any distribution by parties other than Last Unicorn and its appointed agents is illegal. This includes compilation CD-ROMs, shareware/PD collections, FTP servers and web sites, but please see the following condition!
  • If you want to feature this downloadable version of WaveCraft on your web site, then please do, but you should link to this website to do so. Specifically, you must not bypass this licence agreement in any way. We will periodically check for - and vigorously follow up - any breaches of this condition.
  • Any reverse engineering, disassembly or modification of this downloadable version of WaveCraft is strictly forbidden. Please contact us if you have any need for customisations, patch file specifications, the API for the virtual synthesis engine, and so on.
  • This downloadable version of WaveCraft is free for use by private individuals - including professional musicians - only. Educational establishments, commercial recording studios etc, should contact us for competitive multi-user, commercial and educational licensing terms.
  • Any use of this downloadable version of WaveCraft in a commercially-released recording is expected to include a mention of WaveCraft in any equipment list that may be included in printed or electronic form with the recording. We also ask that you let us know, so that we can publish - with your permission - any appropriate endorsement.
  • This downloadable version of WaveCraft is offered without warranty of any kind, no guarantees are made of its suitability for any purpose, and neither Last Unicorn Ltd nor its appointed agents can take any responsibility for anything that might happen as a result of using it. It's free, so take it or leave it!
  • Last Unicorn and its appointed agents reserve the right to alter as required the terms of this agreement without prior notice, although existing users of this downloadable version of WaveCraft at the time of any changes to the terms of this agreement may continue to be bound by those conditions in force at the time of the download.
  • These terms and conditions supersede where appropriate the terms of any other licence agreements, copyright statements etc, contained within the WaveCraft software or its accompanying electronic documentation. In case of any discrepancy, please contact us for clarification.

Was that so nasty? Were there any long paragraphs of legal gobbledygook in block capitals? Have you felt forced to sell both your soul and your grandmother?

If not, and you accept all of the above, and just want to have fun for free with WaveCraft, then ...

Click here to download it!

(604 Kb ZIP archive; use Winzip or similar to extract the set-up files to a temporary directory, and then run SETUP.EXE to install)

All pages on this website copyright ©1996-2025 David Gosnell. This page was last modified on Thursday, 26 October 2006. For permission to reproduce any original content, please contact webmaster@goznet.co.uk