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Katy & David's wedding

17-19 June 2004

Why "17-19 June"? Let us tell the story, but first a few words of history! At the end of 2002, we were both having "one last try" at finding someone via the internet to truly love and care for, after a general lack of success and the occasional more serious disappointment. So it was that our paths happily crossed, and a couple of months later we met up properly for the first time, and eight months after that - after much travelling between Milton Keynes and Farnham - we became engaged to be married.

Thursday 17 June 2004

For various reasons, including Katy's poor health over the preceding months, we decided we would separate the legal ceremony to make the "wedding proper" a slightly simpler and less stressful event. But as you can see, we had a very special time at Guildford register office, and were able to celebrate all the more, because we took our parents to the Harvester for lunch afterwards!

Signing the register Immediately after the ceremony In the register office garden

Friday 18 June 2004

No formalities, but lots of getting ready at Weydon Christian Centre. Thankfully David's parents decided to stay down for the whole three days, and were very happy to get busy with all the preparations along with an excellent team of arty helpers! Everything worked out pretty much as we had hoped, and the church looked lovely for the next day!

Blowing up balloons Measuring out streamers There's plenty more in the fridge! Flower arrangements

Saturday 19 June 2004

This was it! No turning back now! A lovely ceremony led by Catherine, an inspirational talk by Matt from Milton Keynes Vineyard, good music courtesy of Phil, Mike and Chris, and of course that customary first kiss!

Catherine leading the wedding ceremony Phil, Mike and Chris, our band Our first kiss, yeah right

Then, making the most of the unexpectedly glorious sunshine, out into the church grounds for formal photos ...

With our parents Our favourite photo of the two of us With Simon and Rachel, best man and bridesmaid

... before adjourning to the hall and marquee for our buffet reception including speeches and of course the cutting of David's mum's amazing wedding cake!

David making his customary speech Our wedding cake, as made by David's mum (photograph by Alexander Wright) Cutting the cake

Thank you to everyone who came and shared in what was a truly special day! It was lovely to have you all with us, and the memory of the day will remain with us for the rest of our lives!

Everyone who stayed for the photos and reception!

David and Katy would like to thank all those who contributed photographs for this web page, including George Watson (our official photographer) and Alexander Wright.

All pages on this website copyright ©1996-2025 David Gosnell. This page was last modified on Tuesday, 7 November 2006. For permission to reproduce any original content, please contact webmaster@goznet.co.uk